vineri, 30 iulie 2010
Ti-am spus ca vreau sa ma intorc intr-un loc in care am mai fost, intr-o perioada pe care am trait-o, vreau sa fiu din nou copil..vreau ca prostia mea sa aiba din nou acea scuza infantila..varsta!!
Vreau. Sa nu mai folosesc cuvantul “sper” si “maine” si”va fi bine”. Vreau sa imi transform visele in realitate aici si acum, cu sau fara cineva langa mine. Vreau sa profit de fiecare secunda din alaturi de tine. Vreau sa iubesc, sa urasc, sa ma cert, sa flirtez acum si cu cineva pe masura. Vreau sa-mi fac eu viata mai frumoasa si sa nu-mi doresc sa apara “fat-frumos” sau “superman” sa faca asta pentru mine. Nimic si nimeni nu o sa imi schimbe viata daca eu cu manuta mea nu o schimb. Vreau sa nu mai traiesc in minciuna pentru ca in ciuda tuturor lucrurilor singura persoana mintita sunt eu insami!
Vreau sa cred in ceea ce poate face o atitudine pozitiva in jurul meu. Vreau sa cred in mine. In puterea mea de a face urmatoarea secunda mai buna.
Pentru ca in ciuda tuturor lucrurilor..POT!
Asculta mai multe audio Muzica
Dear life..
Dear life,
hei, it's me, the blue freak. i think you've heard about me, so i think it's a pleasure to finally meet you.
i've heard a lot of things about you, i don't know if they are true or not. i just know things are not as i expected. i guess they never will.
they said life is hard, yes you are hard. they also told me that the unknown is an important part of life.
plans never succed, that's why we always sail through the unknown, unexpected, just reaching for a moment to be happier than we've ever been.
so, i guess i'm a sailor. a tired one. optimism would help a little. but i don't need it. i just sail. useless. aimless. i simply don't need any help.
i'm always fine by myself. there is nothing i need to be happier. lovely brain huh? yes, i know it hides the feelings, but it is its choice and i have to respect it.
just like you.
so, how are you. how's my future? i can keep it as a secret. please tell me. i'm really sick of everything around.
is it too scarry? that's why you're so quiet. or maybe i'm just to bad to know?.. mhm. i'm bad.
you made me like this. bad. cold. careless. so, i'm sorry to say that it's completly your fault. but it's ok. i forgive you (hug)
am i gonna be happy? will my heart survive, and if it dies, will anyone suffer...because of me? i have a list of people who deserve to suffer, i can help you if you
duminică, 25 iulie 2010
Rain rain
Rain, rain, now that you came
Show me that life isn't a game
Wash the pain, hide my tears
Make me start again, with no fears.
Rain, rain, now that you're here
Do you think that wind's voice is real?
I always feel like i don't care
It tells me that i should dare.
Rain, rain, you're always walking
I hope you understand what i'm talking
Take my deepest thoughts with you
Fill my hope with morning's dew.
Rain, rain, rain on me
Set my troubled heart free
Cry on me, shout for better days
Don't let me alone without aims!
joi, 8 iulie 2010
miercuri, 7 iulie 2010
nu stiu cum sa intamplat
cu o privire norocul mi-ai luat
mai trimis intrun abis
iubire in mine ai aprins
clipele au inceput sa insemne ceva
dadeai sens timpului meu candva
norocul furat e iar la mine
mi-e iarasi bine fara tine
a mai trecut un an, o vara
am ales sa ies afara
cutia cu vise am deschiso
fracara stinsa am aprinso
am sa te regasesc si stiu
optimista de-am sa fiu
binele cu mine va fi
norocule, te-astept sa vi
sufar? nu vezi ca zambesc?
ce am langa mine iubesc
viata mea? este superba
la 17 ani sunt propria mea vedeta!!
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